Nobody in the planner community has just one planner – most of us have at least two. If you're wondering what to do with an extra planner (or several) check out my ideas for alternative uses and put that spare Filofax to good use!
I used to have SO many Filofax planners. Regrettably, I sold quite a few of them many years ago when I decided I was going to be a one-planner girl – HA! Who was I kidding?
I'd probably have close to 20 by now. Instead, I have 7, all of which are currently in use, aside from my A5 Chameleon that's currently boxed, and two of my least favourite personals that I use as storage binders for old diary inserts – but I count that as a use.
I've been thinking of ways I can put my A5 Chameleon to use though, and it inspired this blog post. So here are 15 ideas for alternative Filofax uses to inspire you to pull a few of your old or extra planners off the shelf and enjoy them this year.
1. Recipe binder
I think this is a great use for a spare Filofax or any other ring-bound planners you have lying around – regardless of whether you're a kitchen Goddess/God or a hopeless wannabe Master Chef contestant.
If you know your way around the kitchen cupboard then you'll need a gorgeous binder to store and collect all of your foodie wisdom to pass down to your little ones when they go off to Uni or have a family of their own.
If you're more like me – single at nearly 40, still learning that you can't just chuck all the spices into the pot each time and expect your dishes to be distinguishable, and frequently engaging in weekend culinary 'experiments' that leave you feeling relieved you only have to one mouth to cater for (your own!) – well, you'll need a gorgeous binder to store all of your takeaway flyers!
Jokes aside, collecting your favourite recipes, taking notes when watching your favourite cooking shows, and tearing up Waitrose food magazines to make yummy dividers and other inserts is a fab idea for a new 2023 hobby if you're looking for one.
Check out Crossbow Planner Co on Etsy for lovely minimalist recipe binder refills to get you started.
I might do this myself this year. My trusty A5 Chameleon Filofax needs a job!
(If you're new here, you might like to know that my A5 Chameleon was the Filofax that instigated the birth of the Filofancy blog, so have a read of my very first post if you're interested.)
2. Junk journal
Never heard of a junk journal? The clue is in the name. Basically, a junk journal is a handmade book of recycled and found materials and ephemera – and I think a Filofax/ring binder is the perfect starting point!
Why keep one? Well, it's a rather charming way to keep a record of your everyday life.
A junk journal is different from an ordinary journal. The emphasis is not necessarily on writing down your thoughts and musings, but instead on compiling a book full of bits and bobs relating to your everyday experiences and interactions.
Over time it becomes a tactile book of memories, filled with old ticket stubs, receipts, menus, letters, sketches, magazine cuttings, recipes, pieces of ribbon and gift wrap, and so much more. It'll be a pleasure to look back on in years to come – a bit like a time capsule.
There's loads of inspiration to be found on Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube. People are so creative and their junk journals can be real works of art.
The great thing about using your Filofax or ring binder planner as a junk journal is that you can punch holes in everything and just pop it all in, or use hole-punched paper envelopes... what fun!
Get yourself an official Filofax hole punch, it'll make junk journaling easy peasy.
3. Scrapbook
A scrapbook is similar to a junk journal, but you don't have to fill it with things that are significant to your life. You can just fill it with, well, whatever you like.
It's a blank canvas for your fun and creativity – set the kid inside you free!
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Experiment with colour, stamps, paints, stickers and magazine cuttings
- Create themed pages on your favourite things – cats, food, heart-throbs (you're never too old to have a heart-throb, in my opinion)
- Fill it with vision boards to manifest your dreams – I hear this is powerful stuff!
- Use it to keep your toddler's drawings safe – how cute!
- Start a postage stamp collection, or how about a sticker collection?
4. Sketchbook
Learn how to draw this year and keep your sketches together with an A4 or A5 Filofax so you can track your progress.
The great thing about using a binder as a sketchbook is that you can add any kind of paper you want, from pastel paper to watercolour paper.
Alternatively, if you're already a bit of an artist, you can use a Filofax as a portfolio to store and proudly show off your masterpieces.
Store your favourite pieces in these Filofax plastic pockets for extra protection!
5. Art Journal
You'd be forgiven for thinking that an art journal is the same as a journal, a junk journal, a scrapbook or a sketchbook - ah my naive friends, you have so much to learn and discover!
An art journal is a hybrid of a sketchbook and a journal. If you're arty and creative you can use it to express how you feel through drawing, painting and collaging.
Art journals often have beautiful pages that are crafted to combine art with inspirational quotes, thoughts and journal entries.
Using a Filofax to store art journal pages may take the pressure off starting an art journal because you don't have to be afraid of ruining your sketchbook with a badly designed page – if you don't like how something turned out, you can just take it out!
You can also move things around if the chronology isn't important to you.
6. Grimoire
A Grimoire is kind of like a witch's book of spells, but you don't have to be a witch to be inspired by this creative idea. You can use a spare Filofax or planner to bind all of your witchy things.
Here are some ideas for your Grimoire:
- Herbal tea recipes
- Healing soup recipes
- Favourite essential oil combos
- Healing herb recipes
- List of herbs and spices
- Natural medicine
- Tarot card spreads
- Divination readings
- Houseplant care notes
- Spells or manifestations
- Affirmations
- Phases of the moon
- Horoscope info
- Pressed leaves and flowers
- Dream journal
- Record of the seasons
- Meanings of colours and numbers
- Poetry
- Feng Shui notes
- Crystal properties
- Notes on Auras/chakras
- Favourite witchy books
- Mystical decor
Sometimes it's just nice to have it all in one place, you know?
If you're a green witch and in the market for a new planner, inserts or accessories, you might like the
Filofax Garden Collection, I think it's rather lovely and would make a pretty Grimoire.
7. Bible study file
I'm not a religious person myself, but if I was, I think I'd want to use a Filofax to store all my bible study notes. A personal planner is a similar size to a bible, so I think they'd go well together.
Alternatively, for a bit more space, and if you don't fancy lugging a heavy A5 planner with you, the A5 clipbooks or reusable notebooks are a great inexpensive alternative, and you may have one knocking around that you don't use.
They're better than ordinary notebooks because you can personalise them with dividers and different inserts according to your needs – not to mention offering the ability to rearrange pages and take them out without having to try and cleanly rip a page out of a bound notebook (and usually losing another page on the opposite end as a result!)
8. Project organiser
A separate Filofax or planner is a must if you're taking on a new project.
It might be your goal to minimise everything in your home this year – in which case you'll need a place to put all your lists – lists of things to keep, sell, donate, and recycle; not to mention sections for different rooms... you get the idea.
How about a wedding planner? A course project? A new business idea?
Your project for the new year might even be yourself – a new fitness routine, eating habits and other goals. You'll need trackers and lists for sure.
I think sometimes it's nice to have a separate place to plan a single project or area of your life, in order to clear your mind from distractions and be able to focus on one thing.
9. Wedding guestbook
Why not use a spare planner as a guest book? It'll be a lovely memory to treasure long after the event, with so many beautiful heartwarming messages from your friends and loved ones.
You'll also get to design your own inserts – that's always fun.
How about teaming it up with a polaroid camera so that people can take selfies of themselves and stick them into the guestbook on their message page? It'll make your memories all the more special.
10. Photography project (365-days/52 weeks)
You could use a spare planner to keep a record or a daily or weekly photography project! It's nice to have a new hobby, and photography is such a great way to record your memories.
You don't need a fancy camera either. Smartphones take great photos these days, and they're convenient because you'll always have your phone with you! Plus, editing apps/filters are free if you want to get really creative.
Try taking a photo a day, and then print them off using your home printer at the end of the week and trim them down to size to fill a week-on-two page diary spread.
You could create a visual journal of places you've been to or things you've seen. You might want to record memories of your kids or pets in everyday life. Or even a visual record of how much your houseplant babies have grown throughout the year – in which case
Filofax's Garden collection week-on-two-pages insert would be perfect!
11. Poetry Portfolio
If you've got a knack for rhymes and enjoy expressing yourself through poetry, why not use an extra Filofax as a portfolio to keep all your poems together?
I really love this idea because there's less commitment than using a bound notebook to write your poems down in.
I used to write poetry in a cheap spiral-bound notebook. The one thing that used to drive me absolutely nuts was how messy my pages would get after I had scribbled down ideas, crossed sections out and tried to change lines a million times until they sounded just right (because I'm a perfectionist).
By the time I had finished my poems, you couldn't really read them, and I'd have to write them out again. My solution at the time was to use a pencil so I could use a rubber to make changes more easily.
With a ring-binder system like a Filofax though, you wouldn't have to rip pages out if you wanted to remove all your 'workings'. Instead, you could have a tabbed section for drafting, and then tabbed sections for your finished pieces – all organised into topics!
12. A paragraph-a-day journal
If you've always wanted to keep a journal but have been intimidated by the thought of having to write pages and pages of your thoughts, doing a paragraph a day can ease you into it until you feel like you have more to say.
You can buy similar journals like this
five-year one-line-a-day journal, but personally, I like the flexibility of a ring-bound system where you get to choose how much space you need to write your thoughts.
13. Finance and expenses manager
Something I've been seeing more and more during the cost of living crisis is people using a separate Filofax to keep track of spending. Having a dedicated planner to manage your money is a great way to focus on setting financial goals.
In fact, even Filofax has latched onto this trend encouraging us to 'Gain control over your finances with our budgeting essentials.'
Filofax products to help you keep an eye on your savings:
14. Mood Diary
Anyone who struggles with a mental health problem like anxiety depression or bipolar disorder probably knows the value of keeping track of moods. But anyone can benefit from tracking how you feel on a day-to-day basis.
If you're wondering what sections you could include in your planner, there are plenty of everyday things that are related to mood.
The idea of tracking various things that could affect your mood is that you'll more easily be able to look back and spot patterns. This could help you to make adjustments to help improve how you're feeling.
Here are some ideas of things you can track in your mood diary:
- Sleep – track what time you go to bed, what time you wake up and what your quality of sleep was like.
- Exercise – track how many steps you walked, if you did a workout or practiced some yoga.
- Food – it can be interesting to look back and see changes in your diet. You can look out for increases in sugar, caffeine and alcohol. You can also look out for any periods of time you ate more or less than usual.
- Give yourself a daily mood score – come up with a system to score yourself on how you're feeling, for example, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best.
- Self-care – it's so easy to forget to make time for ourselves. Keeping track of the things we do to relax and feel good can remind us to do more of those things. Self-care looks different for everyone, for example, reading a book, taking a bath, painting your nails, walking the dog or making homemade soup.
15. Editorial Calendar
With so many of us feeling inspired to start our own online businesses or develop a social media presence, using a spare planner specifically as an editorial calendar can help you to keep on top of your projects, even the ones you just do for fun.
An editorial calendar is great for:
- a blog
- a social media account
- a YouTube channel
- an Etsy Shop
You can create sections in your planner for:
Thanks for reading! Find any of these ideas inspiring? Got any of your own? Leave your thoughts in the comments below – I love to read them, and I try to reply to every single one.
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