Filofax Vlog: The Arrival of My A5 Aqua Chameleon Filofax

Just as I promised, I have filmed a Filofax Unboxing Video for you all to enjoy. Yes, this is me. Little Miss. Filofancy living, breathing and speaking... How very weird.  Do I really look like this?  Do I really sound like this?  Is that beautiful new A5 Chameleon Filofax in aqua really mine... All forty-five pounds worth of it?  Yes, yes, and YES!

I was half asleep. I vaguely heard the doorbell go, and I vaguely heard my landlady answering it.  I could have been dreaming, perhaps I was mid-dream at the time, but as soon as I heard the postman say "Package for Miss. Zara Mohammed" I knew exactly what it was, and suddenly I was awake.

I leaped out of bed, still in my clothes from the night before, such is the life of a single girl in her twenties, and I ran to meet my destiny planner.

My landlady had it in her hands, and I looked at her anxiously.

"Er, I think that's mine?" I said tentatively.

She looked back at me suspiciously, I saw her note my unkempt hair and yesterday's outfit. Then she placed my precious package on the side-table and walked past me, "Rent's due lady."

I cringed, grabbed my brand new Filofax, and sped back into my bedsit to release my excited tension. Might have to increase my overdraft just a little bit more to cover the rent and keep my dear landlady happy.

I hope you enjoy the vlog! Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below :) (I reply to ALL comments including new comments on old posts)


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